Saturday, August 2, 2008

Health Screening and Blood Donation 2.8.2008

Health Screening 2.8.2008_003

Date: 02.08.08
Venue: Maybank, MJC, Kuching
Project: Health screening and blood donation drive

Joint project between the Lions Club of Kuching City, Lions Club of Kuching Hosts and New Century Lions Club of Kuching Emerald.
Health Screening: 121 visitors
Blood donation: 16 donors

A big big thank you to Maybank MJC, doctors and nurses from SGH, sponsors, donors, volunteers, Leos and Lions! Thank you for your kindness and time. This project would not have been possible without your help and support!

Health Screening 2.8.2008_027

Health Screening 2.8.2008_077

Please click on the photo below for the photos: -
Health Screening 2.8.2008_106


Anonymous said...

Seems like the response for blood donation wasn't very good.

Ruey said...

Derbs, I've never seen a blood donor as happy as Ms Lee. :S She really does love her blood, gore and pain! :P