Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kpg. Tebakang Melayu - Flood aftermath

11.1.2009. Water rushed in past midnight. Villagers stranded in their houses could hear the mighty river burst the banks and rush through the whole village. Waters rose between 6 to 9 feet. Higher than the average man. Houses were submerged. Belongings washed away. Land became sea. The villagers are now busy cleaning up, repairing and rebuilding. Flood debris. Cracked walls. Collapsed buildings. These are just some of the things the villagers are facing.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kpg. Tebakang Melayu Flood Relief project

Date: 18.1.2009
Venue: Kpg. Tebakang Melayu, Serian

The recent floods in Kuching and the surrounding area left many places and people in dire need of help. In this trying times, Lions Club International channeled emergency monetary assistance from the LCI Fund to Region 1 to facilitate flood relief projects.

One of the 1st phase of the flood relief projects was held at Kpg. Tebakang Melayu. Donations of food stuff such as rice, instant noodles, milo were handed over to the 194 families that were stranded by the 4 day flood.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

7th BOD/Members Meeting and Fellowship

Date: 4th Jan 2009
Venue: Lion Alex Chung's residence



Meeting and dinner at the same time...

Secretary not paying attention to the meeting...

Jenny and Audrey too...

Zone Chair and the son

I'm hungry!

Purple shirt to match the flowers...

Mee or me?

What happened to our President?

our little FOL --> Mr. Kaden Lau

Beauties and handsome....

Audrey and Audrey

Mother and Son busy with the ice-cream

President wanted to say something but everybody is busy with the ice-cream..hehehe

Family Photos

Saturday, January 3, 2009

World Diabetes Day Screening

Date: 23.11.2008
Venue: Kenyalang Community Hall

Joint project organised by the Persatuan Diabetes Malaysia, NADI, Medical Department and Lions Club of Kuching. The diabetes screening included diet, health and medical consultations and briefings. Estimate of 1000 people benefitted from the event.

Zone Chair Jason Lau leading by example.