Sunday, May 29, 2011

Adopt-a-School 2011: Semban Day 1

Day 1
Our journey started at 10th Mile, where we met up with Batik Boutique Hotel’s group. From there, we made our way to Bengoh Dam construction site to begin our 2 days hike of Bungo mountain range where Kpg. Rejoi and SK Semban are situated.

The road to Bengoh Dam construction site
We met up with Guru Besar Abot ak Singi and Cikgu Redan and the 6 porters. The porters are nothing short of Amazing! Looking at them loading their tambok with the boxes and boxes of the donated items left us speechless. And, they still managed to arrive at Kpg. Rejoi well ahead of us! 

The Kedai Runcit and start of the trail
The porters loading their tamboks

Our group of 17 started walking at about 1.55pm. As luck would have it, it was a sweltering 35˚ degree Celsius that day. On the other hand, the clear blue sky served as a wonderful backdrop to the view. 

Off we go!

The hike took us up and down mountains, over bamboo bridges and through farm fields. After a brief lunch stop at Kpg. Taba Sait (not including all the other countless stops along the way), we continued on on our way to Kpg. Rejoi. 
One of the bamboo bridge


Corn fields

Finally, the sound of a diesel generator could be heard. After 5 hours of hiking, we finally arrived at Kpg. Rejoi. The school welcomed us with jugs of milo and water. Most of us were gulping down the liquid like fishes by then. We were then taken to our quarters for a much needed rest. The more energetic ones went to take a dip in the nearby river.

SK Semban

The girls' quarters for the night
We were really touched by the school’s hospitality. Everyone - the Guru Besar, teachers, matron, cook, staff and even the students - pitched in to make us comfortable. After a wonderful dinner (sorry, no photos because I forgot to bring my camera to dinner), we set up the computers, printer and the other donation items in preparation for the school assembly and hand-over the next day. The electricity supply is so limited that they had to switch off all other electrical items just to have enough power to run the computers! Here in the city, we really take things for granted.

Once the preparation was done, we retired for the night : ) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz   

1 comment:

Boon Chuan Sim said...

Thump up! Kuching Emerald. This is the type of projects we love to see Lions CLubs doing. This is what we call - NEEDED SERVICE. Keep it up. Jia you.