Tuesday, December 23, 2008

6th BOD/Members Meeting

Date: 4.12.2008
Venue: Lion Albert Ngang’s residence

It was great to catch up with our member-at large Albert Ngang – back from Gabon. Big thanks to Albert and Evelyn (his lovely wife) for opening their house to us for the meeting and for feeding us with the yummy yummy supper.

Come back to visit again real soon Albert!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lui Lian Fellowship - 26.10.2008

Date: 26.10.2008
Venue: Lundu

After the World Lions Service Day project at Kpg. Selampit , the members and FOL stopped by the road side for a well deserved Lui Lian (@ durian) feast. The smiling faces speak for themselves.